cyanobase » Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-44

Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-44


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Data source name GCA_000787675.1
Full name Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-44
Taxonomy Lineage Cyanobacteria; Oscillatoriophycideae; Chroococcales; Microcystis.

Genome Information

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Name Size (bp) Genes
BBPA01000053 285,048 319
BBPA01000070 260,268 262
BBPA01000002 246,836 273
BBPA01000039 204,130 186
BBPA01000019 179,161 172
BBPA01000020 178,537 194
BBPA01000033 144,947 141
BBPA01000066 136,711 155
BBPA01000051 134,046 151
BBPA01000075 133,197 134
BBPA01000059 127,296 151
BBPA01000021 126,029 129
BBPA01000003 118,851 130
BBPA01000015 95,931 102
BBPA01000035 94,529 99
BBPA01000049 79,039 85
BBPA01000043 78,315 75
BBPA01000018 77,766 67
BBPA01000073 75,402 89
BBPA01000057 74,453 84
BBPA01000074 73,791 79
BBPA01000023 73,169 65
BBPA01000068 72,746 72
BBPA01000009 71,758 74
BBPA01000067 70,838 74
BBPA01000024 70,298 88
BBPA01000077 66,995 78
BBPA01000030 66,688 82
BBPA01000065 58,348 70
BBPA01000071 51,229 47
BBPA01000052 50,324 43
BBPA01000054 49,634 61
BBPA01000010 48,078 49
BBPA01000005 47,847 41
BBPA01000036 47,253 44
BBPA01000025 46,412 63
BBPA01000032 43,469 56
BBPA01000076 40,793 44
BBPA01000037 40,542 39
BBPA01000012 40,035 36
BBPA01000014 39,508 44
BBPA01000060 37,092 47
BBPA01000022 35,746 42
BBPA01000044 33,737 38
BBPA01000028 29,413 31
BBPA01000017 28,941 21
BBPA01000041 27,427 31
BBPA01000046 26,686 28
BBPA01000047 26,171 34
BBPA01000013 26,127 27
BBPA01000064 25,884 31
BBPA01000061 22,381 25
BBPA01000038 20,181 8
BBPA01000031 19,277 24
BBPA01000007 17,165 15
BBPA01000006 16,599 17
BBPA01000027 16,083 15
BBPA01000026 15,984 16
BBPA01000034 15,554 20
BBPA01000072 10,672 10
BBPA01000004 10,332 15
BBPA01000040 9,775 10
BBPA01000042 8,815 11
BBPA01000001 8,772 9
BBPA01000063 8,653 6
BBPA01000058 8,176 8
BBPA01000078 6,927 9
BBPA01000056 6,390 9
BBPA01000050 5,840 7
BBPA01000079 5,094 4
BBPA01000045 4,072 4
BBPA01000008 4,036 6
BBPA01000062 1,907 3
BBPA01000016 1,181 0
BBPA01000055 1,152 1
BBPA01000011 817 0
BBPA01000048 806 1
BBPA01000029 662 3
BBPA01000069 549 0
Total 4,565,323 4,833
Features FeaturesView : 0 features


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List GenesView csv txt FAA
Geneset GenesetView
Function category GeneCategoryView csv txt
Annotation Gene Annotation WordCloudView

Tools and analysis

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About species GCA_000787675.1 External
Data dowonload Distribution of Sequence and Annotated Data Files (FTP) External
NCBI Taxonomy Taxonomy ID: External
UniProt taxonomy: in UniProt External


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Genes File format:
Column Description or example
1 Data source name Synechocystis
2 ID slr1311
3 Chromosome name Chr
4 Start position 7229
5 End position 8311
6 Orientation + or -
7 Definition photosystem II D1 protein
Protein sequences /cyanobase/GCA_000787675.1/genes.faa -- AminoAcids sequence in Fasta format.
Nucleotide sequences /cyanobase/GCA_000787675.1/genes.fna -- Nucleotide sequence in Fasta format.
Gene symbols /cyanobase/GCA_000787675.1/genes/search/dsn/gene_symbol.txt (File format)
GeneIndex gnames /cyanobase/GCA_000787675.1/genes/search/dsn/gi_gname.txt (File format)
Gene function category File format:
Column Description or example
1 Gene ID sll0084
2 Gene Deffinition putative phosphatase
3 First category ID A
4 First category name Amino acid biosynthesis
5 Second category ID A1
6 Second category name Aromatic amino acid family
Gene annotation word clouds /cyanobase/GCA_000787675.1/genes/word_cloud.txt -- tab delimitered text format.
File format:
ColumnDescription or example
/cyanobase/GCA_000787675.1/genes/word_cloud?style=plain -- Plain view in html
/cyanobase/GCA_000787675.1/genes/word_cloud?c=10 -- 10 counts cut-off in html.
GO Terms by ipr2go /api/cyanobase/GCA_000787675.1/genes/goterm.txt (File format)
InterProScan matches /api/cyanobase/GCA_000787675.1/genes/interpro.txt (File format)
