Data source name | GCA_000763385.1 |
Full name | Leptolyngbya sp. KIOST-1 |
Taxonomy Lineage | Cyanobacteria; Oscillatoriophycideae; Oscillatoriales; Leptolyngbya. |
Data source name | GCA_000763385.1 |
Full name | Leptolyngbya sp. KIOST-1 |
Taxonomy Lineage | Cyanobacteria; Oscillatoriophycideae; Oscillatoriales; Leptolyngbya. |
Chromosomes |
Features | FeaturesView : 0 features |
List | GenesView csv txt FAA |
Geneset | GenesetView |
Function category | GeneCategoryView csv txt |
Annotation | Gene Annotation WordCloudView |
About species | GCA_000763385.1 |
Data dowonload | Distribution of Sequence and Annotated Data Files (FTP) |
NCBI Taxonomy | Taxonomy ID: |
UniProt | taxonomy: in UniProt |
Genes |
Protein sequences | /cyanobase/GCA_000763385.1/genes.faa -- AminoAcids sequence in Fasta format. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nucleotide sequences | /cyanobase/GCA_000763385.1/genes.fna -- Nucleotide sequence in Fasta format. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gene symbols | /cyanobase/GCA_000763385.1/genes/search/dsn/gene_symbol.txt (File format) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
GeneIndex gnames | /cyanobase/GCA_000763385.1/genes/search/dsn/gi_gname.txt (File format) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gene function category |
Gene annotation word clouds |
/cyanobase/GCA_000763385.1/genes/word_cloud.txt -- tab delimitered text format. File format:
/cyanobase/GCA_000763385.1/genes/word_cloud?c=10 -- 10 counts cut-off in html. |
GO Terms by ipr2go | /api/cyanobase/GCA_000763385.1/genes/goterm.txt (File format) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
InterProScan matches | /api/cyanobase/GCA_000763385.1/genes/interpro.txt (File format) |