cyanobase » Prochlorothrix hollandica PCC 9006

Prochlorothrix hollandica PCC 9006


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Data source name GCA_000341585.2
Full name Prochlorothrix hollandica PCC 9006
Taxonomy Lineage Cyanobacteria; Prochlorales; Prochlorotrichaceae; Prochlorothrix.

Genome Information

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Name Size (bp) Genes
AJTX02000004 1,615,536 1,084
AJTX02000002 1,244,169 850
AJTX02000006 860,293 621
AJTX02000010 450,565 309
AJTX02000003 394,976 257
AJTX02000007 383,678 268
AJTX02000008 243,187 164
AJTX02000005 173,333 120
AJTX02000009 157,345 104
AJTX02000001 2,387 2
Total 5,525,469 3,779
Features FeaturesView : 0 features


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List GenesView csv txt FAA
Geneset GenesetView
Function category GeneCategoryView csv txt
Annotation Gene Annotation WordCloudView

Tools and analysis

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About species GCA_000341585.2 External
Data dowonload Distribution of Sequence and Annotated Data Files (FTP) External
NCBI Taxonomy Taxonomy ID: External
UniProt taxonomy: in UniProt External


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Genes File format:
Column Description or example
1 Data source name Synechocystis
2 ID slr1311
3 Chromosome name Chr
4 Start position 7229
5 End position 8311
6 Orientation + or -
7 Definition photosystem II D1 protein
Protein sequences /cyanobase/GCA_000341585.2/genes.faa -- AminoAcids sequence in Fasta format.
Nucleotide sequences /cyanobase/GCA_000341585.2/genes.fna -- Nucleotide sequence in Fasta format.
Gene symbols /cyanobase/GCA_000341585.2/genes/search/dsn/gene_symbol.txt (File format)
GeneIndex gnames /cyanobase/GCA_000341585.2/genes/search/dsn/gi_gname.txt (File format)
Gene function category File format:
Column Description or example
1 Gene ID sll0084
2 Gene Deffinition putative phosphatase
3 First category ID A
4 First category name Amino acid biosynthesis
5 Second category ID A1
6 Second category name Aromatic amino acid family
Gene annotation word clouds /cyanobase/GCA_000341585.2/genes/word_cloud.txt -- tab delimitered text format.
File format:
ColumnDescription or example
/cyanobase/GCA_000341585.2/genes/word_cloud?style=plain -- Plain view in html
/cyanobase/GCA_000341585.2/genes/word_cloud?c=10 -- 10 counts cut-off in html.
GO Terms by ipr2go /api/cyanobase/GCA_000341585.2/genes/goterm.txt (File format)
InterProScan matches /api/cyanobase/GCA_000341585.2/genes/interpro.txt (File format)
