cyanobase » Synechococcus sp. WH 7803 » genes » search

Full-text search result: 6 genes by "IPR000795" TXT SET

Synechococcus sp. WH 7803 (6 genes ) TXT SET

SynWH7803_1314 InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; FPrintScan:PR00315 ELONGATNFCT
InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; HMMPfam:PF00009 GTP_EFTU
InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; PatternScan:PS00301 EFACTOR_GTP
SynWH7803_1493 InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; FPrintScan:PR00315 ELONGATNFCT
InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; HMMPfam:PF00009 GTP_EFTU
InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; PatternScan:PS00301 EFACTOR_GTP
SynWH7803_1801 InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; FPrintScan:PR00315 ELONGATNFCT
InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; HMMPfam:PF00009 GTP_EFTU
InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; PatternScan:PS00301 EFACTOR_GTP
SynWH7803_2079 InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; FPrintScan:PR00315 ELONGATNFCT
InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; HMMPfam:PF00009 GTP_EFTU
SynWH7803_0379 InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; FPrintScan:PR00315 ELONGATNFCT
InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; HMMPfam:PF00009 GTP_EFTU
InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; PatternScan:PS00301 EFACTOR_GTP
SynWH7803_0380 InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; FPrintScan:PR00315 ELONGATNFCT
InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; HMMPfam:PF00009 GTP_EFTU
InterPro IPR000795 Protein synthesis factor, GTP-binding; PatternScan:PS00301 EFACTOR_GTP

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Gene set by search TXT
ColumnDescription and example
1Data Source Namec.f. Synechocystis
2Gene IDc.f. slr1311
3Category nameone of gene_symbol, gi_gname, definition, function, goterm, interpro, blast_hits and 'Gene and Mutants'.
4DescriptionFree text
ColumnDescription and example
1Gene IDc.f. slr1311
